Felon Howlet

General Release albums from the artists through Disco Tear Records

Felon Howlet
No More Bad Dreams
This first solo project from Felon Howlet is an hour long collection of six pieces inspired by a tragic yet equally beautiful & bizarre true tale of a young couple who traveled to a foreign destination to be married, only to be found days after the union to have committed a double suicide in a hotel room, leaving only their packed suitcases and a message that simply read, 'No More Bad Dreams'.Howlet wanted to capture the sadness and beauty, the torment and release of the events in a genre and approach that would be both a fitting tribute whilst offering the listener a space to escape and dream peacefully.

Felon Howlet
The DICOM Experiments
(Trial One: The Lab)
Taking field recordings in reportedly haunted locations using a unique self-designed hand built experimental trans-dimensional communications device (DICOM) and a strict set of rules, Howlet attempts to capture "a form of music", with surprising results.
Trial One: The Lab was recorded in his solo studio and was initially only intended as an equipment test run, though he was so unexpectedly pleased with the final results he quickly made it his first release for the series with no planed end in sight.
Each experiment will be released individually as a free download (available through bandcamp).
Felon Howlet
The Gold Room